Wednesday 21 October 2009

The Girl Chewing Gum By John Smith - 1976

'The Girl Chewing Gum' by John Smith was created in 1976, in a town centre.

'The Girl Chewing Gum' uses a camera to shoot in a continuous motion which allows us to see what is happening as it happens. This is so no jumpiness between scenes or pictures is created unless they are meant to be placed there, by using the cut effect in editing.

'The Girl Chewing Gum' requires the audience to constantly watch the artwork from beginning to end to understand everything. The narrator in the beginning of the film is telling the audience what happens, and its worded to make it sound like he is a director telling the set and cast members what to do. Eventually, the narrator then reveals that he is miles away in a park.

This spin on the film allowed the audience to be put into a false sense of believing something, once the viewer had watched the film, the reaction made by the audience at the very end of the film allows the concept of the video to be expressed. I would say that this was the concept of the film.

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